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Asynchronous connections

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Asynchronous connections


   Questa configurazione di esempio e' stata testata su un Cisco serie 2500 con multiseriale asincrona.
Alle seriali erano collegati dei tradizionali modem analogici 56kbps o 33600bps. L'utente remoto si 
autentifica ed ottiene accesso ad internet (se il 2500 e' collegato ad Internet naturalmente). Ricordarsi
di personalizzare la configurazione con:
  •  nomi utente e password;
  •  pool di indirizzi da assegnare;
  •  name server dns
    Il mittente dovra' configurazione la propria connessione di accesso remoto con protocollo 
    ppp e autenticazione pap

username prova password 7 02140D570709
username pippo password 7 03560B5B5E5A73
username pluto password 7 1108150316425B
interface Async1
 ip unnumbered Ethernet0
 ip tcp header-compression passive
 encapsulation ppp
 async mode dedicated
 peer default ip address pool default
 ppp authentication pap
interface Async2
 ip unnumbered Ethernet0
 ip tcp header-compression passive
 encapsulation ppp
 async mode dedicated
 peer default ip address pool default
 ppp authentication pap
line 1 8
 no exec
 exec-timeout 0 0
 login local
 modem InOut
 autocommand ppp negotiate
 transport input all
 stopbits 1
 rxspeed 115200
 txspeed 115200
 flowcontrol hardware
 modem autoconfigure discovery
ip local pool default
ip name-server
ip name-server

Per fare troubleshooting di una connessione si possono attivare i seguenti debug:
debug modem
debug ppp authent
debug ppp negotiat

ed ecco cosa accade per un tentativo di connessione a buon fine:

TTY1: DSR came up
tty1: Modem: IDLE->READY
PPP Async1: dropping packet. Lower layer not up
%LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Async1, changed state to up
PPP Async1: treating connection as a dedicated line
ppp: sending CONFREQ, type = 2 (CI_ASYNCMAP), value = 0xA0000
ppp: sending CONFREQ, type = 3 (CI_AUTHTYPE), value = 0xC023
ppp: sending CONFREQ, type = 5 (CI_MAGICNUMBER), value = 0xE526BCEF
PPP Async1: state = REQsent fsm_rconfack(0xC021): rcvd id 46
ppp: config ACK received, type = 2 (CI_ASYNCMAP), value = 0xA0000
ppp: config ACK received, type = 3 (CI_AUTHTYPE), value = 0xC023
ppp: config ACK received, type = 5 (CI_MAGICNUMBER), value = 0xE526BCEF
ppp: config ACK received, type = 7 (CI_PCOMPRESSION)
ppp: config ACK received, type = 8 (CI_ACCOMPRESSION)
ppp: sending CONFREQ, type = 2 (CI_ASYNCMAP), value = 0xA0000
ppp: sending CONFREQ, type = 3 (CI_AUTHTYPE), value = 0xC023
ppp: sending CONFREQ, type = 5 (CI_MAGICNUMBER), value = 0xE526BCEF
PPP Async1: state = REQsent fsm_rconfack(0xC021): rcvd id 47
ppp: config ACK received, type = 2 (CI_ASYNCMAP), value = 0xA0000
ppp: config ACK received, type = 3 (CI_AUTHTYPE), value = 0xC023
ppp: config ACK received, type = 5 (CI_MAGICNUMBER), value = 0xE526BCEF
ppp: config ACK received, type = 7 (CI_PCOMPRESSION)
ppp: config ACK received, type = 8 (CI_ACCOMPRESSION)
PPP Async1: received config for type = 2 (ASYNCMAP) value = 0x0 acked
PPP Async1: received config for type = 5 (MAGICNUMBER) value = 0x126C6D13 acked
PPP Async1: received config for type = 7 (PCOMPRESSION) acked
PPP Async1: received config for type = 8 (ACCOMPRESSION) acked
PPP Async1: received config for type = 13 (CALLBACK) rejected
PPP Async1: received config for type = 17 (MULTILINK_MRRU) rejected
PPP Async1: received config for type = 19 (ENDPOINT_DISC) rejected
PPP Async1: received config for type = 2 (ASYNCMAP) value = 0x0 acked
PPP Async1: received config for type = 5 (MAGICNUMBER) value = 0x126C6D13 acked
PPP Async1: received config for type = 7 (PCOMPRESSION) acked
PPP Async1: received config for type = 8 (ACCOMPRESSION) acked
PPP Async1: PAP authenticating peer mario
PPP Async1: Remote passed PAP authentication sending Auth-Ack.
ipcp: sending CONFREQ, type = 2 (CI_COMPRESSTYPE), slots = 15, csid = 0
ipcp: sending CONFREQ, type = 3 (CI_ADDRESS), Address =
ppp Async1: ipcp_reqci: rcvd COMPRESSTYPE (ACK)
ppp Async1: Negotiate IP address: her address
ppp: Async1: using pool 'default'
ppp: Async1: pool returned (NAK with address (NAK)
ppp Async1: Negotiate Primary DNS address: her address (NAK with address (NAK)
ppp Async1: Negotiate Primary NBNS address: her address
ppp Async1: Primary NBNS address unknown (REJ)
ppp Async1: Negotiate Secondary DNS address: her address (NAK with address (NAK)
ppp Async1: Negotiate Secondary NBNS address: her address
ppp Async1: Secondary NBNS address unknown (REJ)
ppp: ipcp_reqci: returning CONFREJ.
PPP Async1: state = REQsent fsm_rconfack(0x8021): rcvd id 1
ipcp: config ACK received, type = 2 (CI_COMPRESSTYPE), slots = 15, csid = 0
ipcp: config ACK received, type = 3 (CI_ADDRESS), Address =
ppp Async1: ipcp_reqci: rcvd COMPRESSTYPE (ACK)
ppp Async1: Negotiate IP address: her address (NAK with address (NAK)
ppp Async1: Negotiate Primary DNS address: her address (NAK with address (NAK)
ppp Async1: Negotiate Secondary DNS address: her address (NAK with address (NAK)
ppp: ipcp_reqci: returning CONFNAK.
%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Async1, changed state to up
ppp Async1: ipcp_reqci: rcvd COMPRESSTYPE (ACK)
ppp Async1: Negotiate IP address: her address (ACK)
ppp Async1: Negotiate Primary DNS address: her address (ACK)
ppp Async1: Negotiate Secondary DNS address: her address (ACK)
ppp: ipcp_reqci: returning CONFACK.
Async1: install route to


A questo punto siamo autenticati e ci sconnettiamo:

Async1: remove route to
%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Async1, changed state to down
TTY1: DSR was dropped
tty1: Modem: READY->HANGUP
TTY1: dropping DTR, hanging up
TTY1: Async Int reset: Dropping DTR
tty1: Modem: HANGUP->IDLE
TTY1: cleanup pending. Delaying DTR
%LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Async1, changed state to reset
TTY1: cleanup pending. Delaying DTR
TTY1: cleanup pending. Delaying DTR
TTY1: cleanup pending. Delaying DTR
TTY1: cleanup pending. Delaying DTR
Async1: allowing modem_process to continue hangup
TTY1: restoring DTR
%LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Async1, changed state to down


ultima revisione Agosto 2004

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Copyright 2004 – Gianrico Fichera –

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